Teddy Bear


I am a big fat Teddy Bear

I sit upon the shelf

look down on all the other toys

my owner must have wealth


My ears are getting floppy

and my knees are rather worn

my coat is getting thinner

through all the wear and tear I’ve borne


Although it’s not surprising

as I’m over eighty years old

my foot feels as if it’s got gout

and I’m sure I’ve caught a cold


Now Johnny’s taking me off the shelf

I wonder what we will play today

will it be Cowboys and Indians?

that’s a game he likes to play


Sometimes we listen to music

all that pop noise hurts my head

thump, thump. thump all day long

I’m glad to go back to bed




But I like it best when he cuddles me

he’s only eight years old, you know

we fall asleep together a lot

off to the land of nod we go


We have many thrilling adventures

always together, don’t you see?

I just think the world of him

and I know he will always be there for me



Walking the Dog


At the end of the day, there is a daily chore

Having to walk the Dog, a few miles or more

He is a happy chappie all bark but no bite

He just likes his walk anytime day or night


So on goes his lead and out the door

Drags me out with him, leaves my coat on the floor

Round past next doors bushes, where he always looks for their cat

But she flexes her claws; he cannot handle much of that


So off down the lane we go me and young Snoopy

He’s full of life me, my eyes are a bit droopy

After a long hard day, this is all I need

But he must have his walk then go home for his feed

Down past the cottages their hedgerows so neat

Him pulling me along, nearly run off my feet

But when I get to the gate that leads into the field that we pass

I stop for a while, have a fag, he just lays on the grass


We see a few people while we are out on our walk

They all say hello, stop for a while for a talk

But he likes it best when they have a dog he can sniff, and make a friend

As they play while we talk but move on in the end


So as we wend our way homeward me and Snoopy dog

The night comes in slowly bringing in darkness and fog

Then it’s indoors, safe and warm, as we both like to be

After having our walk quiet and peaceful, together you see

In a Secluded Wood


In a secluded wood a lonely house sits

Amongst the trees looking forlorn

Until the winter and the Snow

Light up and relieve all the gloom

Its pathway now covered in a white blanket

And the steps now slippery with Ice

However, its lights glow like a beacon

Causing the whole house to glow

As the smoke pours out from its chimney on high

A white streak going up into the sky

It looks like a picture from a Christmas card

A warm welcome I am sure, would be had inside

To sit beside the raging fires

One in every room

To toast some bread, bake some spuds

A jolly time would be had by all

In fact, I know it would

You see, it’s where I grew up as a child

A house full of love and laughter

Memories never forgotten

As I walk down the lane, the steps remain

But the house is now a ruin

It is such a shame when things come to an end

But sadly time marches on

Moreover, my childhood was long ago

Oh to rebuild it to its former glory

But the pictures I remember

Assure that its lives on forever



As the Candle Burns


As the candle burns

The pages turn

With history in the making

But as we read about our past

Of things we thought would never last

And of time that life was taking


Page on page our lives unfold

Of the story to be told

In many years from whence we came

Of battles won, of things invented

People with lives not so contented

No one page is just the same


So as it flickers and sheds is light

We read on well into the night

History unfolding before our eyes

Be it a novel or a book of fact

It takes time for us to react

To release that inner, disguise


As the Candle flickers and burns

The wax down the candle onward it churns

Illuminates the flower bowl as ease

Its red leaves flutter in the light evening breeze

As through yonder window it creeps

While everyone else in the house quietly sleeps


What wonders do we discover and take in?

A wondrous feeling since we begin

To understand from whence we came

Compared to history our lives today are tame

So as I put down my nightly read

Sleep succumbs if I succeed


To contain my excitement of what I have learned

Collected that for which I have yearned

Some detail of our former existence

The love, the pain with no resistance

As slumber overtakes my mind

I am sure tomorrow more knowledge I will find

Old Wooden Head-The Flowerpot Man


Outside in the garden

Just to the left of the shed

Sits and old sage

With a wooden head

He never moves a muscle

To help to cut the grass

Or do any weeding

Just sits as bold as brass

However, what happens after dark

When we are all in bed

Would make you blush with shame

Just make your face go red

He comes alive at midnight

Around the garden he goes without fail

Upsetting the lovely mermaid

By treading on her tail

As she splashes around in the water fountain

Nude as nude can be

The poor old Gnome sat in the corner

Covers his eyes so he cannot see

But poor old woody just gets excited

And wants to dance as well

But the mermaid has to point out

If he gets wet then his limbs will swell

Then he will rot way and die

Therefore, he just has to stand and stare

With a loving teardrop in his eye

Because he loves the Mermaid

Who is so sweet and fair  

Has done all his life it seems

However, she does not seem to care

If he had his way tomorrow

He would make her his darling wife

But sadly, morning soon comes around

And they go back to their normal life

So as you walk around the garden 

Please don’t let on you know

Because no one would believe you

So it is best to let it go



Robin Redbreast


A Robin sits amongst the Snow

His redbreast out on full show

A chirpy little bird is he

Has he just come to see me?


His spindly legs with his body so fat

Tasty meal for next doors cat

However, he is alert to all the danger

Because to my garden he is no stranger


Often he flies in to chirp hello

Today especially in all the Snow

I will build a Snowman so he can be sat

On his head, perched on his hat


He sings his heart out just for me

Flutters his wings so I will see

That he has arrived and needs some food to eat

And I always throw some to his feet


Once he has had his daily fill

Off he goes, out of my garden, over the hill

So, I sit and wait until another day

When my little fat Robin comes my way