Old Doc Taylor


Many years in Redwood as a boy and a man

I’ll tell you this story as fast as I can

about a remarkable person

really special in fact

who made up for the townsfolk

everything they lacked


He was the town Doctor

saw through many years

helped raise the town

for three score and fifteen years


Delivered many

of Mrs McCarthy’s babies fourteen in all

removed Mr Browns gallstones

while he was lying in his hall

brought over two hundred children

into this world

no wonder his hair was grey

and tightly curled


Walked everywhere

to someone. never drove at all

Winter Summer Spring and Fall

always at hand for everybody’s needs

just couldn’t help but do people good deeds


I remember when the Pox

took many lives away

but old Doc Brown, many he saved

no thought for his own safety

always around

with a kind word and his medicine abound


Most people could not pay,

but he didn’t care

To serve all his days, to be always there

That was his life, no time for romance

Married to the community

had no second chance


Miss Betty his secretary, loved him no less

always around him in a pretty dress

though he never noticed

she did not seem to mind

she knew the real man, one who was so kind


During the war, when he left to serve

fought for his country he had a lot of nerve

saved many a soldier

thanks to him many came home

thanks to old Doc Taylor

they were still able to roam


Came the great winter of thirty-nine or so

Many were left stranded

caught out in the snow

But Doc didn’t worry, he was still content

Fighting the elements

people needed him, so off he went


Came the night of the blizzard

whole town buried alive

a miracle at all that anyone survived

everyone was saved

except one who was lost

lonely, out in the cold, Snow and Frost


Three weeks later

as the great thaw came about

people could move, get out and about

but down by the mill

under a blanket and the dirt

we found Doc’s body

he looked so sad and hurt


Frozen to death, out helping others

tears were shed by us all

brothers sisters and mothers

this great man had given his life for ours

trying to help to the end

taking some flowers


To old Mrs McCarthy

having number fifteen

the bonniest baby you’ve ever seen

she called him Johnny, after the Doc

the man who help raise us

like a shepherd will his flock


Old Age


You know old age has caught you up

When your teeth come out at night

And when you look into the mirror

You get a nasty fright

Because where you’re lovely skin used to be

It’s now all creased and wrinkled

The lines run across your forehead

To match your chickens neck

The bags under your eyes are there for all to notice

So you just say what the heck

Constipation is the thing

That keeps you up at night

Along with your weak bladder

Nothing ever feels just right

Along with the creaky knees

Arthritic limbs and general aching body pain

Which is so excruciating

You just wish you were young again

Yes, we’re getting older

The age gap is no more

So out comes the bottle of Jack Daniels

And I end up on the floor

When I wake up next morning

My head bursting to distraction

And as I try to get up again

I fall and end up in traction

The Scarecrow


Winter time has come and gone

Spring is here at last

dust down my bright red trousers

clean my blue shirt quite fast


Been in the barn all winter

with the Rats and the Dust

now the crops are growing

to the fields I must


Make sure my Carrot nose is on

and my Potato eyes are in

my straw hair needs a comb through it

and I must clean my Watermelon chin


I have a nice round face

to put a smile upon

I’m a happy as can be

now my time has come


Put on my heavy boots

to help me stand all week

so out into the meadow I go

the Sun burns on my cheek


My brightly coloured appearance

is to frighten the birds away

as the Corn stats to poke out its head

they all come out to play


Swoop down when their feeling hungry

what do you think of that

oh dear I just felt something funny

ones just pooped upon my hat


I wave my white gloves madly

to scare them off you see

but it just makes me look

Like a snooker referee


All summer long I ply my trade

out in the bright sunshine

keeping all the birds at bay

I have a very happy time


Rain or Shine I have to stay

out in the field alone

except for a little Field Mouse

who makes my leg his home


Running up and down at times

he really tickles me

but he is so kind and thoughtful

he sometimes brings me tea


So next time you pass the field

and see me standing there

smile wave and I’ll wave back

we will be such  a happy pair


Just remember the lonely life

that I have to endure

but at least you’ll get your breakfast

I do know that for sure


The Cottage down the Lane


One memory from my younger days

six or seven about

was a cottage that I passed each day?

when I was walking out.


Its thatched roof was turning green

through the weather or neglect

the chimneypot was leaning badly

that I recollect.


The eaves were home to many a bird

their young were always falling out

as I walked passed, I always noticed

their parents flying round about.


The little upstairs windows

with curtains red and green

had net inners hanging

to ensure inside was not seen.


Downstairs windows with leaded lights

shone like beacons in the night

giving perfect illusions of shadows inside

while outside it was daylight.


The pathway to the old oak door

was a mass of flowers and the odd plant?

different colours, sizes too

more than anyone would want.


Sat upon the lawn each day

were Tom & Betty now retired?

enjoying their new life together

I just watched and admired.


The way they looked into each other’s eyes

and enjoyed a drink or two

the love that had always been there

was really shining through.


They would see me and give a wave

as I went my merry way

I used to think of both of them

and say I will be like them one day.


Though seventy years young were they

always looked quite sprightly

they suffered ailments like us all

but laughed them off quite rightly.


Through the trees around the back

one could see the sea

the bouncing waves always in view

I’d think what a place to be.


Their cottage by the sea to them

was their little piece of heaven?

they stayed outside most of the day

and still be there at night until eleven.


Sadly year’s later Tom and Betty are gone

so has the cottage, such a shame

knocked down to build a motorway

I’m afraid progress is to blame.


I  think of them now and again

never forgot their lovely smiles

that greeted me all the while,

together always, that’s heavens gain.